Curriculum and Instruction
Wood-Ridge Public School District develops curricula that are aligned to the standards set forth by the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE), specifically New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS).
The complete set of New Jersey Student Learning Standards from the NJDOE is available at: View New Jersey Department of Education
The New Jersey Student Learning Standards include Preschool Teaching and Learning Standards, as well as nine K-12 standards for the following content areas:
Career Readiness, Life Literacies, & Key Skills
Comprehensive Health & Physical Education
Computer Science & Design Thinking
English Language Arts
Social Studies
Visual & Performing Arts
World Languages
For more information regarding the Wood-Ridge Public School District's curriculum maps, please contact KellyAnne Dudsak, Supervisor of Curriculum, at Email KellyAnne Dudsak or (201) 933-6777 x5634.